
The posings of a poet.

Inter[net]connected Poetry #3

Please click through each word or phrase and let me know what you think of the experience…


Life is just right

For seeking the path

And learning the math

And being held at night

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16 thoughts on “Inter[net]connected Poetry #3

  1. thesubterraneanworld on said:

    This is so very amazing !

  2. ~Lady Day on said:

    These are such fun trails to follow. Nice work.~R

  3. yeah being held at night, wonder who’ll will take that job

  4. your mind is just restless and neverstopping

  5. Reblogged this on Jmeandme's Blog and commented:
    wow Dan~!
    so amazing!!

  6. Can we learn the math and be held at the same time? Well, of course, that would be 1 + 1 = 1 😉 You know already how I love these interconnected internet things of yours. Well done, Dan. ~ Bobbie

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